Archive for May 12th, 2009

I don’t remember how many years it’s been since I first wrote about Duke City Fix while I still wrote a column for the Albuquerque Journal. But I do remember saying something to the effect that as community blogs go, it would be difficult to surpass the continual high quality of DCF. It regularly does exactly what a community blog should do.

So kudos to Chantal Foster and Sophie Martin and all the rest.

Here’s a post to DCF that caught my eye this morning. Nothing inflammatory, nothing outrageous — just a nice little bite-sized piece of Albuquerque.

If it isn’t one thing with Homer, it’s another.

Public money undergoes some kind of transformation when it falls into the hands of public officials. This time it’s the Brits, not the usual suspects on our side of the Atlantic. I don’t know what the time period is — a week, two weeks, a month — before public officials start believing public money is actually theirs, and theirs to do with as they please, thank you very much.

My favorite in today’s example is the grandee who used public money to have his moat cleaned. I mean … his moat?